5 Must-Knows Before Your Client Call

Champions are made in preparation. Olympic competitors train for years to prepare...

5 Ways to Improve Your TATATO

I recently took an assessment that measured my individual leadership style. Out of...

A Change in Language Precedes a Change in Behavior

In the work I do with sales teams and sales professionals, I’ve noticed that...

A Joint Solution

This is #16 in a series about the 24 Lumina Sales Qualities and how you can...

A Winning Proposal

This is #15 in a series about the 24 Lumina Sales Qualities and how you can...

Acquiring Wisdom Through Observation

In the Lumina work I do with teams, leaders and individuals, we look at 24...

Acting Against Your Best Interests in Sales

Acting against your best interests means you err because of ignorance or...

Adding Value Through the Voice of Reason: Trusted Advisor

This is #10 in a series about the 24 Lumina Sales Qualities and how you can...

Aligning Pots and Flowers for Revenue Growth

If you have ever seen small packets of seeds on display at your local nursery, you...

An Opportunity Lost is an Opportunity to Learn

I’m a great believer in making sure that the best day I have is not one I have...

Are We Really So Different? ¿En Realidad Somos Tan Diferentes?

Very often we see and hear that any skills development strategy should consider...

Assess, Adjust, Align – Time for a Business Review

At some point during the year every business goes through a “planning process”...